Wednesday 22 May 2013

Warner handed financial penalty for twitter rant

 Australian batsman David Warner was on Wednesday fined $5750 byCricket Australia for his expletive-laden twitter rant against two noted cricket writers.

Cricket Australia (CA) found Warner "guilty of breaching the CA Code of Behaviour" during a hearing.

Warner pleaded guilty and was handed the maximum penalty, for a first offence under rule 6 of CA's Code of Behaviour.

Warner had reacted on his twitter page to a critical article on the Indian Premier League, followed by sensational spot-fixing scandal.

"At the hearing tonight, CA Senior Code of Behaviour Commissioner, The Hon. Justice Gordon Lewis AM, found Warner guilty of breaching Rule 6: Unbecoming Behaviour regarding Twitter comments made by Warner at the weekend," a Cricket Australia release said.

"In hindsight, clearly I let my frustrations get the better of me and posted some inappropriate tweets last weekend. While I disagreed with the story and my image being used alongside the story, I could have chosen my words better and I apologise for any offence that my language may have caused. I'll continue to have honest conversations with all my followers and I will be mindful of the language I use in future," Warner said.


Reacting to David Warner's twitter rant against two journalists, former Australia Test batsman Mark Waugh on Monday said that some players are getting ahead of themselves and need to pull their heads in.

"It's a pretty inexperienced squad (Australia national team)...there's not many senior players...we lost Mike Hussey and Ricky Ponting. You don't really have the core group of senior players who can knock things on the head.

"Young players are getting a lot of money and getting there pretty easily aren't they? They're getting to the top without having to do a whole lot of hard work, so maybe they're getting ahead of themselves," said Waugh.

"There's probably certain players who need to pull their heads in and concentrate on cricket," he added.

Waugh although said Warner's outburst was "no big deal", he insisted that the explosive batsman showed "signs of a bit of immaturity".

"Dave Warner has only played 19 Tests... He shouldn't even worry about these sorts of things. He should just be concentrating on his cricket," Waugh said.

"I mean it's not a good look for David Warner I think it's the second or third time he's sort of tweeted out some words which haven't been that smart. He's got to learn from this. Its not the ideal situation you want to see from supposedly one of your senior player or one of the most important players in your squad," said Waugh.

"He's probably got to get a thicker skin really... As a player you're not going to get people telling you how great you are every day of the week. There's times you've got to cop the good with the bad and I think he's had problems doing that so far in his career," he added.

Warner attacked two noted Australian cricket writers on his twitter page after one of them wrote a piece critical of the IPL, which is currently mired in a spot-fixing scandal.

Warner, who plays for the Delhi Daredevils, launched a series of abusive tweets, and in response to that Cricket Australia decided to conduct a hearing against him after charging the player for a breach of its code of behaviour.

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